Brooks was a member of the Elim movement, the Bible-Pattern Church Alliance before joining the Pentecostal Holiness Church in the mid-1950's.
Rev. Brooks was one time campaign manager and the official biographer of Jeffreys. (Synan, V. Old-Time Power. 1998, pg. 248, 251).
The collection is still being processed and indexed but has numerous article Brooks had writtern for early periodicals of the Elim and Bible-Pattern movements.
Access to parts of it will be by appointment only.
Brooks, Noel. Fight for Faith and Freedom, George Jeffreys, Revivalist and Reformer (Pattern Books, England: n.d. (ca. 1940).
According th WorldCat/FirstSearch, the following libraries have this book:
Fuller Theological Seminary (US)
Asbury Theological Seminary (US)
Assemblies of God Theological Seminary (US)
University of Oxford (UK)
University of Leicester (UK)
Institutions with no WorldCat record holding the book:
Southwestern Christian University (US)