From very early days, the IPHC considered education and a well-trained ministry of great import. Its early leaders were all men who were trained and capable. They had a goal of balancing quality education with the vital spiritual energy of Pentecost.
The great IPHC leader G. H. Montgomery noted in 1938 that, “Education is bound to come in for more and more prominence in our ranks…Spiritual leaders will promote a spiritual program. We cannot afford to commit spiritual suicide by opposing education. Neither can we afford to let anything take the place of the Holy Spirit in the church and our ministry…” PH Advocate (Feb3, 1938).
Articles appeared, by S.N. Greene and others, noting the need for ministerial training and education for the creation of a clergy of which churches need not be ashamed. R.O. Corvin later added, “No denomination will rise above its highest educational institution….If we want a growing, spiritual…church, we must have a school of higher learning with those characteristics…”Advocate (July 26, 1945). A year later, Montgomery was pondering, as were many in that time period, “Do We Need A Seminary?” Advocate (Feb.15, 1946).
In 1966, the denomination had its first seminary in Tulsa , Oklahoma . The Seminary at ORU was named the official PH Seminary but, with Roberts leaving the denomination in 1968, the celebration was short lived. (Synan, Old Time Religion, pg. ).
In 1987, talk of a Graduate School once more arose as Jack Goodson and IPHC leadership began a plan to unify the education program of the denomination. Dr. Garnet Pike was appointed Dean of the I.P.H.C. Graduate School in 1992. In September of 1993 the denominations first graduate school opened its doors on the campus of Southwestern Christian University to allow students to begin an historic journey. The school offered a Master of Ministry focusing on practical equipping, and taught by some of the finest leaders in the country.
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