"Mosaic" is a collection of scholarly papers on a variety of topics in honor of a British born Wesleyan Pentecostal pastor, church leader, scholar, educator, and author. Brooks was deeply committed to the merging of faith and intellect. This collection honors that by setting in place a few modest pieces of what is hoped will be a larger work uniting many in common purpose.
Authors selected for inclusion in this volume include Dr. Chris Green (Pentecostal Theological Seminary); Professor Rev. Ken L. Young (Southwestern Christian University); Dr. Marvin J. Hudson, Pastor and Intensive Interim Ministry Specialist; Mrs. Irene Belyeu, Author (B.A.); Mrs. Marilyn A. Hudson, Author (M.L.I.S.).
This project is sponsored by The Friends of Noel Brooks. All proceeds go to charity and may be ordered here.