
New Book Chronicles History of Women Ministers in IPHC

Dr. Jeraldine Posey has authored a new book showcasing the women who served as ministers, leaders, and other works in the IPHC from 1901 to 2011. The book, Let My Handmaid Speak, is published by WestBow Press (2011). Dr. Posey has been involved in ministry for sixty years, having served as a missionary, evangelist, lecturer, counselor, teacher, and pastor. She was the first woman ordained in her Virginia conference. She holds a bachelor of theology degree, a bachelor of science, and a master of arts degree in English, and a doctor of ministry degree.

The book, Let My Handmaid Speak, that title alone should capture the attention of all. It is about Lady preachers. Dr. Jeri Posey from Hopewell, VA, presents a new look at the lady ministers who have preached with great success in the Pentecostal Holiness Church in spite of many difficulties.The debate over women preachers has raged for centuries, but the argument has not been–and probably will not be–resolved. This book is not an addendum to that dispute. It is, however, an attempt to show some of the difficulties lady ministers have overcome to answer God’s call to proclaim His Word.

The International Pentecostal Holiness Church, from its inception, has recognized women as preachers, pastors, evangelists and missionaries. 

However, the leadership of the denomination at a Solemn Assembly in 1996 acknowledged that the church had withheld from women places of honor and desired to release them to serve in leadership roles.

Historically, women have gained ground only to lose it again, and even in our twenty-first century society, some still refuse to let God’s handmaids speak.

Dr. Jeri Posey has been involved in ministry for sixty years, having served as a missionary, evangelist, lecturer, counselor, teacher, and pastor. She holds a bachelor of theology degree, a bachelor of science, and a master of arts degree in English, and a doctor of ministry degree. She is an alumnus of Holmes Bible College.

The 361 page book Let My Handmaid Speak is published by Westbow Press a division of Thomas Nelson and is available from Dr. Jeri Posey by sending a check in the amount of $24.95 for the book + $4.30 S&H to 3912 Cambridge Place, Hopewell, VA 23860. Her e-mail address is:  j.posey2011@comcast.net.

The book is also available from www.westbowpress.com, through your local bookseller, or preferred on-line retailer.


1995- The" leadership of the denomination at a Solemn Assembly in 1996 acknowledged that the church had withheld from women places of honor and desired to release them to serve in leadership roles."  This assembly publicly repented of racism, sexism, and elder brother syndrome as well as sexism, i.e., "Sin of Male Domination."  (Located and date of Assembly, Fayetteville, NC, Aug.23-24, 1996).

The "Affirmation" read in part:  "Gender differences are never to become a platform for discrimination and division, but rather are attributes to enhance and complete Christ's body.  We recognize the sin of male domination and acknowledge that we have withheld from women places of honor in the church.  We have not affirmed the ministries of qualified women by releasing them to serve in places of leadership......Create in us a new sensitivity to the God-given gifts of the women of the International Pentecostal Holiness Church that there might be unity and greater power in our worldwide ministry....We affirm that we are equal partners in the work of your Kingdom and commit ourselves to recognize Your gifts in all members of the body of Christ without regard to gender.  We acknowledge that You have called women to definite ministries and gifted some for leadership roles in Your church.  We affirm them in their spiritual gifts and callings and will compensate them accordingly."

Some sources:

R.B. Hayes. "Women Preaching." The Advocate, July 11, 1918.
Paul F. Beacham. "Questions and Answers on the Scriptures and related Subjects", Advocate Press, pg. 527-28
“First Pentecostal Holiness Female Chaplain Commissioned. “ The IPHC Advocate (May 1984):15.
Hudson, Marilyn A.  “The Three Faces of Eve. “The Helping Hand (May-June 1989): 14-15.
Moore, Doris. “Women’s Ministries: The Dream Lives O.”  The IPHC Advocate (July, 1995): 10-11.
Stewart, Leon. “Training Women for Service: SCCM.” The Helping Hand (May-June 1990):5.
Tripp. Lois. “Women – Liberated to Minister.” The Helping Hand (Jan.-Feb., 1988):3.
Bishop Leggett, "Affirming Women in Ministry." Issachar File, March 1999, pg.2.
Posey, Jeraldine. Let my handmaid speak: A History of Women in ministry in the Pentecostal Holiness Church, 1901-2011. WestBow, 2011.


Women in MInistry - Ongoing Bibliography

The following list of resources presents works dealing with women in positions of leadership, pastoral ministry, and similar religious roles and explores them from Biblical, historical, and cultural viewpoints.


            Alexander, Estrelda. Limited Liberty: The Legacy of Four Pentecostal Women Pioneers. Pilgrim Press, 2007.

           Alexander, Estrelda. Philip’s daughters: Women in Pentecostal-Charismatic Leadership. Wipf & Stock, 2009.

Beck, James R., ed. Two Views on Women in Ministry: Egalitarian and Complementarion. Zondervan, 2001.

Booth, Catherine. Female ministry: or, the Woman’s Right to Preach the Gospel.  Salvation Army, 1859.

Cunningham, Loren, et al. Why Not Women? A Fresh Look at Scripture on Women in Missions, Ministry and Leadership.  YWAM, 2000.
Epp, Eldon Jay. Junia: The First Woman Apostle.  Fortress, 2005.
Gafney, Wilda C. Daughters of Miriam: Women Prophets in Ancient Israel. Fortress Press, 2008.

Gretnz, Stanley J. Women in the Church: A Biblical theology of Women in Ministry. InerVarsity Press, 1991.

Hammer, Jill. Sisters at Sinai: New Tales of Biblical Women, Jewish Publication Society, 2011.

Hoppin, Ruth.  Pricilla’s Letter: Finding the Author of the Epistle to the Hebrews. Lost Coast Press, 209/
Hudson, Marilyn A. Those Pesky Verses of Paul: Women and the Bible. Revised ed. Whorl Books / Create Space, 2011.
Jewett, Paul K. The Ordination of Women. Wm. B. Eerdmans, 1980.
Kienze, Beveraky Mayne. Women Preachers and Prophets through Two Millennia of Christianity. University of California Press, 1998.
Kroeger, Richard; Catherine Clark. I Suffer Not A Woman: Rethinking 1 Timothy 2:11-15 in Light of Ancient Evidence. Baker, 1992.
Madigan, Kevin, ed.  Ordained Women in the Early Church: A Documentary History. Johns Hopkins Universiy Press, 2005.
Mathewsm, Alice. A Woman God Can Use,: Lessons from Old Testament Women. Discovery House, 1990.
Mitchell, Ella, ed. Women: To Preach or Not to Preach? – 21 Black Preachers Say “Yes!” Judson, 1991.
Pike, Francis.  Created to Rule Together. Lifesprings, 2008.
Pierce, Ronald, ed. Discovering Biblical Equality, Complementary without Hierarchy.  InterVarsity press, 2004.
Posey, Jeraldine T, D.Min. Let My Handmaid Speak: A History of Women in Ministry in the International Pentecostal Holiness Church from 1901-2011.   WestBow, 2011.
Olsen, Laura R.  Women with a Mission: Religion, Gender, and the Politics of Women Clergy.  University of Alabama, 2005.
Osiek Carolyn.  A Woman’s Place: House Churches in Earliest Christianity. Fortress, 2006.
Torgesen, Karen Jo. When Women Were Priests: Women’s Leadership in the Early Church & the Scandal of their Subordiantion in the Rise of Christianity. Harper Collins, 1993.
Tucker, Ruth A.  Daughters of the Church: Women in Ministry from the New Testament times to the Present. Zondervan, 1987.
Tucker, Ruth A. Women in the Maze: Questions and answers on Biblical Equality. InterVarsity Press, 1992.
Welch, Kristen Dayle.  Women with the Good News: The Rhetorical Heritage of Pentecostal Holiness Women Preachers.  CPT Press, 2010.

“First Pentecostal Holiness Female Chaplain Commissioned. “ The IPHC Advocate (May 1984):15.
Hudson, Marilyn A “The Three Faces of Eve. “The Helping Hand (May-June 1989): 14-15.
Moore, Doris. “Women’s Ministries: The Dream Lives O. “ The IPHC Advocate (July, 1995): 10-11.
Stewart, Leon. “Training Women for Service: SCCM.” The Helping Hand (May-June 1990):5.
Tripp. Lois. “Women – Liberated to Minister.” The Helping Hand (Jan.-Feb., 1988):3.

Kuhlman, Katherine
McPherson, Aimee Semple
Palmer, Phoebe
Woodsworth-Etter, Maria

Adair, Enide Lu Cunningham. Our Mama Josie was a Preacher Woman: A Biography of a Pioneer Minister, Josie McDonald Williams, 2006. SCU Archives.
Benvenuti, Sheri R.   “Where do we go from here? Pentecostal women in ministry.”  At CyberJournal at  http://www.pctii.org/cyberj/cyberj1/ben.html
“History of Women in Ministry” at  http://womeninministry.ag.org/history/
IAWM (International Association of Women Ministers)  http://www.womenministers.org/
Brown, C.A. “Women Preachers”,  at  Wesleyan Holiness Women Clergy http://whwomenclergy.org/article40.htm
“Phoebe Palmer”.   http://are.as.wvu.edu/phebe.htm
Sanders, Cheryl J.  “History of Women in the Pentecostal Movement “ at http://www.fullnet.net/np/archives/cyberj/sanders.html
Welch, Kristen. “Post-1960’s Pentecostalism and the Promise of a Future for Pentecostal Holiness Women Preachers.” Cyber journal for Pentecostal-Charismatic Research, #16 [http://pctii.org/cyber/cyberj16/Welch.html] accessed 8/31/07].
            “Women in Ministry”. Assemblies of God. http://wim.ag.org/ 
“Women Evangelists.” http://myhome.spu.edu/popep/profiles/phoebe_palmer.html

McBride, Reba Jo. Finding Effective Solutions for the Problems Unique to Women in Ministry. Unpublished dissertation, ORU, 1982.