This insightful, practical, and purposeful book, PEOPLE ARE FOR CARING, originally appeared in 1980. The author, Damon Burrows, was a man who believed much in the concept behind the title. His faith was such that he never saw strangers but only potential members of the family of God. The original description from the book says it all :
"Damon Burrows Is a person-who cares about people. In his individual and group experiences, he has developed a series of practical exercises that teach - "Caring is being like Jesus."
Reverend Burrows is now Evangelism Consultant for the General Department of Evangelism in the Pentecostal Holiness Church. He has been trained to develop specific church growth ministries which has involved over 100 lectures on his "Clinic on Church Healing."
A native of Oklahoma, Damon Burrows has served as an evangelist and pastor for ten years. He is a graduate of Southwestern College in Oklahoma City and has done graduate work at the Nazarene Theological Seminary and Midwestern Theological Seminary in Kansas City. He was a personnel man in the United States Navy for four years which began his 15 years of experience in counseling."
Rev. Burrows went to join his heavenly friends early in 2013. Urged by many family and friends his family, wife. Marilyn and their two sons, Damon II and David, have reissued this timely and timeless work to continue to bless and inspire others. To continue the objective made clear through Damon Burrows' life, people are for caring. It is a splendid book to add to collections of people based outreach, ministry, evangelism, Pentecostal authors, and related subject areas.