Spiritual: - The
inculcation of the spirit of Christ in the hearts and lives of all members of
Wesley church; an atmosphere of warmth and inspiration in all our worship
services; an encouragement of all to develop the habit and practice of daily
prayer and meditation or worship; observance of the Lord’s Supper in our church
at least once a quarter; the honoring of Christ in our daily lives as an
expression of our appreciation of the worth of our Christian faith; and a
practical, consistent fulfilment of this solemn vow, voluntarily assumed when
we united with the church:
the Methodist Episcopal Church, and uphold it by my prayers, my presence, my
gifts and my services.”
Educational: - The
efficient organization of the Church School, with consecrated leadership for
all departments, and interested, competent teachers for all classes; training
classes for young people and adults; all members of the church and constituency,
as well, encouraged to attend Sunday School and Church Services; a purpose to
make available the resources and facilities of our church to the young people
attending college and under the leadership of the Youth Fellowship Department;
training in Stewardship; a Preparatory Membership Class to train children in a
proper way the duties and privileges of church membership; a wider recognition
of the Boy Scout Organization and Camp Fire Girls; --an alert, informed church membership.
Social:- A warm,
cordial welcome to all visitors and strangers in our worship services;
cooperation of the entire membership with the ladies organizations when Church
Family functions are had; social and recreational plans, class and departmental
parties for children and young people and adults, properly supervised; fellowship
dinners; all men of the church encouraged to affiliate with and lend support to
the Wesley Men’s Dinner Club; an annual Father and Son Banquet, a Mother and Daughter
Banquet; a renewal of the activities and a continuation of the program of the
Greater Wesley Movements; an adequate plan to meet the social and recreational
demands of our whole membership.
Financial: -
EVERY MEMBER encouraged to support the church in proportion as God prospers
him; a pledge from Every Member of the church, for some definite amount, to be
paid into the treasury regularly each week, if possible – such pledges to
continue until modified or discontinued by those making same; all bills against
the church paid promptly and in full, as nearly as possible; a regular Pay-Up
Sunday once each quarter. When all who are in arrears shall be urged to pay
such delinquencies, and when the church may meet all its outstanding
obligations; the organization of a Fellowship of Giving members whose members
shall be encouraged to practice the three fold giving of Possessions,
Personality and Prayer; the re-selling of our membership on the beauty, the
adequacy, and the permanency of our magnificent Wesley Church, and the beginning
of a plan to liquidate our indebtedness; the observance of Joash Day[1],
when all who can will be asked to make special contributions to our Building
Fund – a happy, successful, debt-free church.
Your Minister,
Matt L. Simpson
[Wesley Methodist Episcopal Church. Directory & Yearbook.
1935-36. Wesley Methodist Church Membership Directory and Yearbook for the
church year, 1935-36. S. Lewis Stockwell, Editor and publishers.]
[1] Alfred Peache. “The Chest of Joash”. The Expositor, and current anecdotes.
(April 1910, volume 11) p.372f. This article had outlined a special day for
fundraising with special preaching, a march using a polished wooden chest. It was seen again an article by Wm.S.
Mitchell, “How One Church Paid Its Debt.” The Expositor, (July 1919, XX:10)pg.1-3.