
Fingertip Holiness by Noel Brooks (1975)

From the forward by Dr. Frank G. Tunstall: "Practical Holiness" was the theme of the 1975 Muse Memorial Lecture Series [Oklahoma City Southwestern College (now SCU)], and Rev. Noel Brooks did a masterful job expounding that subject. Fingertip Holiness he called his lectures, a stricking title that says "holinesss" can never be just a "theology" with us. Our theology of holiness must work its way into the totality of our beings, becoming a way of life that finds expression, even in our fingertips. "Holiness" that is doctrinal only, becomes highly pharisaical; when when the true meaning of holiness is translated into a way of life with us, it expresses itself in that character of love which is so typical of the Christian graces..."

Brooks, Noel. Fingertip Holiness. Oklahoma City, OK: OCSC (now Southwestern Christian University, 1975.


A CHRISTIAN COLLEGE. From 1976 OCSC Baccalaureate Address

British born scholar and church leader, the Rev. Noel Brooks, spoke to graduates of Oklahoma City Southwestern College (now SCU) on  May 16, 1976. The subject of his baccalaureate address was the life of Daniel (Daniel 1:1-8; 16-21).

"A Christian College is not a "degree mill" where academic standards can be charitably relaxed, or cheap accreditation offered.  A "Christian" College is not merely where a good academic degrees are eared. Rather it is a matrix where young people of Daniel's quality can be moudled and fashioned before being sent out to challenge the pagan culture outside.

I am not speaking exclusively of pastors, evangelists and missionaries. Daniel was not a priest or an official prophet. He was never ordained to the ministry or licensed to preach. He was a layman, a senator, a statesman, a politician in the best sense of the word. And he was a man of profound religious conviction, of strong moral and strong principles, who could not be bent by the world around him.  The grand purpose of a Christian College is to provide a mould in which men and women of Daniel's calibre can be trained for all professions and walks of life.

In order to do this a college must be more than a "Christian" in name. It is possible to have a name to live and yet be dead. A "Christian" College must practice "Christian" principles; it must have a "Christian" atmosphere; and it must have "Christian" leaders, teachers, and staff. Only then can a "Christian" imprint be indelibly stamped on the mind and character of the student body."


Note: All royalities from the sale of this title go to support the development of the university.

In 2006, for the 60th anniverary, Marilyn A. Hudson, led a group of faculty and staff to write the first official history of the school. In essence, it is a family history of an educational institution's first six decades (1946-2006); its fond memories, its dreams, its challenges, and its achievements.

"On a mild summer day in 1946, on the outskirts of Oklahoma City, a small group of people that included C.H. Williams, R. O. Corvin, and Oral Roberts, eyed some property for sale. The men were searching for a possible site for a new Bible school for the Pentecostal Holiness Church. The 'Abe Hale Nightclub,' an old barn and a few buildings, sat on over seven acres might have seemed an unlikely choice, but men with vision saw it had possibilities. 'Southwestern Bible College' was being born.

For the first time the story of the pre-statehood roots, the 1946 birth, development, challenges, and rebirth of Oklahoma's first Pentecostal junior college, one of the states largest at one time, is shared in 'One Nightclub and A Mule Barn.' The history of the school known over the years as 'Southwestern Bible College,' 'Oklahoma City Southwestern College,' 'Southwestern College of Christian Ministries,' and now 'Southwestern Christian University' is one profoundly intermingled with Oklahoma history.

Pentecostalism in Oklahoma is also virtually unexplored territory among histories. 'One Nightclub' provide a fascinating glimpse into the nature and character of a large segment of Oklahomans who share ties to the Holiness-Pentecostal tradition. 'One Nightclub and a Mule Barn' provides an introduction to not only a school, but to an overlooked, yet rich aspect of Oklahoma history."

144 pages - $11.99 (paperback)  and also available as a CD from the same publisher. Order from Tate.

Charismatic Ministries in the New Testament. Noel Brooks

From the back cover: " God has significantly blessed and used Noel Brooks to clarify the biblical perspective on deeper life truth. He has been a contemporary associate of many of the early leaders of the Pentecostal movement, especially those who ministered during and were instrumental in the doctrinal formation. He has witnessed first-hand virtually the total spectrum of the Pentecostal phenomenon in modern times. His keen theological mind, dedication to biblical balance, warm spiritual commitment and evident scholarship uniquely qualify him to make this inestimably  valuable contribution to Pentecostal literature.
This book, validating the scriptual integrity of the charismatic ministry in the New Testament while documenting it with sound, doctrinal clarity, should be hailed as a landmark contribution to this discipline.

Published by Holmes Memorial Church, Greenville, South Carolina, 1988. ISBN: 0-945478-00-3

A graduate of the University of London, Noel Brooks has his heritage in British Methodism. An ordained minister with the Pentecostal Holiness Church, he has served his denomination as a pastor, conference official, Bible School president, writer, and lecturer.