
Fingertip Holiness by Noel Brooks (1975)

From the forward by Dr. Frank G. Tunstall: "Practical Holiness" was the theme of the 1975 Muse Memorial Lecture Series [Oklahoma City Southwestern College (now SCU)], and Rev. Noel Brooks did a masterful job expounding that subject. Fingertip Holiness he called his lectures, a stricking title that says "holinesss" can never be just a "theology" with us. Our theology of holiness must work its way into the totality of our beings, becoming a way of life that finds expression, even in our fingertips. "Holiness" that is doctrinal only, becomes highly pharisaical; when when the true meaning of holiness is translated into a way of life with us, it expresses itself in that character of love which is so typical of the Christian graces..."

Brooks, Noel. Fingertip Holiness. Oklahoma City, OK: OCSC (now Southwestern Christian University, 1975.

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