
Early Pentecostal Education

One early Pentecostal institution of learning was the Franklin Springs Institute, later Emmanuel College, in Franklin Springs, Georgia.  It opened in 1919 under the auspices of the Pentecostal Holiness Church. In their 1953-1954  "Bulletin" they stated their purpose in a particularly clear and future focused manner. It is noteworthy in the broader considerations of the state of education, learning, and intellectualism within early Pentecostalism.

"The purpose of Emmanuel College is to train young men and young women for efficient Christian citizenship, leadership, and service in all vocations of life. The school holds that a liberal education must include the training of the head, heart, and hand.   Students must be trained not only to know, but to feel, and to act. The school is especially designed to give this training in full harmony with the principles of the Bible." (pg.9)

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